About Floyds Garage

The “Hello World” greeting for all new WordPress sites seems particularly appropriate for an introduction to Floyd’s Garage. The site is dedicated to introducing the wider world to new creatives — those brave souls who have decided to take the plunge and embark on a vocation or a strong avocation – – as well as the creative pros who have been hunkered down in a commercial setting, turning out the work their loyal clients fortunately require. Floyds Garage will introduce all of our creatives to a whole new set of readers, viewers and listeners. Importantly, our visitors will include both fans and critics — this is the real world, and some people don’t like some things simply because they just don’t like them, and their honest and courteous criticisms are as welcome as much as those who seek to constructively comment on the work.
We at Floyd’s Garage will be selecting contributors and publishing their work with an eye to entertain and enlighten, encourage, inspire and intrigue. In some cases the request to publish will come from the artist, and in other cases we will be honored by the artist’s permission to publish. Floyd’s Garage is hugely non-profit, founded and fielded purely for the benefit of those who are creative and those who appreciate creativity. While we can’t pay for the work we publish, we do seek to offer value in kind to both the tenderfoots and the seasoned pros, enabling all to reach the heights to which they aspire.
Floyd’s Garage? — was an actual entity, a way for mechanically-creative college roommates to make a few bucks (or not) by repairing friends’ and friends of friends’ clunkers mostly with duct tape, coat hangers and a hose clamp or two. The new Floyd’s Garage also depends on serious creativity, but won’t make such a mess in the driveway.
Welcome all!
Glenn Floyd